A message from my students. There are no janitors in Korean schools, so the students are assigned to cleaning different areas of the school every day. The board says, "Teacher! We will change cleaning district tomorrow. Good bye and see your Thursday. Don't cry..."
I continue to be neglectful of my poor blog, but the past few weeks have been busy yet uneventful. My students have midterms this week, so I've had my hands full editing tests and imploring my girls to study, study, study. The good news is that I have no less than three weekend excursions lined up in the next two months of my time here, so I will have many more exciting photos and stories to contribute in time. It's hard to believe that there's so little time left. The last semester is flying by. I started a salsa dancing class on Sundays, which has been a fun way to meet people. I've also recently developed an interest in nail art, of all things. Korean make-up brands are very inexpensive, and with bottles of nail polish generally selling for the equivalent of $1-3, I've been happily snatching up any color that tickles my fancy. This picture illustrates my greatest accomplishment of late.
I also recently bought a hanbok, the traditional Korean dress. It was not a cheap souvenir; the dresses are typically made of silk and feature hand embroidery. However, I got a pretty decent price since I bought one used. Hopefully I will have occasions to wear it other than Halloween, but it's beautiful enough that I hope to display it on my wall. The skirt is my favorite, with dark blue stitched cranes. Soon enough I'll figure out how to tie it by myself and take a picture.